Rates & Mandatory Information, including :

- Data Protection

- Possibility to resort to Mediation

It is here reminded that the applicable modalities and obligations as to rates between French lawyers and their clients can be thouroughly checked on line, on the Conseil National des Barreaux website, at:                            


Also, under the EU Regulation 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 on General Data Protection (GDPR) into effect since May 25th, 2018, the Client is informed that the Law Firm has enacted internal policies related to the collection, transfer, processing and protection of its Clientele’s private personal data in the course of its currently performed legal missions.

Any queries about how the Law Firm uses those data will be answered upon further request addressed to: aproton@ap-avocats.fr

Moreover, according to French Law “Informatique et Liberté” of January 6th, 1978 the Client is reminded that any individual has a right to access, interrogate, modify and suppress, upon a fair motive, his/her own personal data.

Then, the Client is also informed that any  claim he/her may hold against the Law Firm can be submitted to free mediation under the French Consumer Protection regulation.

The competent Consumer Mediator for the French Legal Profession is Mrs Carole PASCAREL (postmail address : 180, boulevard Haussmann 75008 Paris, email address : mediateur@mediateur-consommation-avocat.fr; website : https://mediateur-consommation-avocat.fr).

Last, the Firm is registered with the Official national registry SIRENE (SIRET # 409 410 479 00011).

pice de monnaie - justice

To make an appointment for a Consultation, either at the Office, via videoconference, or on the Phone, follow or copy this link in your web browser :


You may also use one of the following links for Office or phone appointments :

Consulter mon profil Avocat.fr

The Hourly Fee

The hourly billing will be applied when the magnitude and the length of the work isl not forseable. This will happen in intricated cases, or when bad faith defendants make serious troubles and dilatory maneuvers quite predictable...

For instance, applications for judiciary estates liquidation and partition may trigger one - or even several! - decades of proceedings. These are extreme and marginal cases though; fortunately, most of succession disputes end up,  midterm, in amicable settlements. However, taken into account the uncertainty of such endings, only an hourly billing will allow a transparent, proportionate and fair remuneration of the work actually performed.

Those uncertainties explain that we usually do not not ask for "contengency fees", but we issue time sheets according to an  hourly fee set at 300 euros  + VAT  20 % & actual expenses. The work done under such billing modalities is accounted for within regular and detailed reports, on which are provided, upon demand, all needed explanations and justifications.

The Flat Rate

When the nature of the case allows it, an estimated overall price will always be submitted before applying an hourly billing.

This estimate, proposed in a detailed Fee Agreement, will describe the work included in the quotation, as well as the excluded tasks and expenses. For instance, costs of any needed external professional intervention (eg Bailiffs' services) will expressly be left out this submitted amount.

These estimates are presented subject to serious and unforseable difficulties, such as proceedings developments involving third parties, or setting up expertise investigations.

In this hypothesis, if those new proceedings and judicial measures allow to do so, a new quotation will be issued, complementary to the initial estimate. If not feasible, a suppletive hourly fee billing will be applied, with the client's consent.

Furthermore, as a general indication, on-site or by phone Consultations are billed 240 euros VAT included

The Legal Protection Insurance

It is possible to get coverage for all or a portion of judicial assistance and  representation costs, under the benefit of a "legal protection" Insurance Policy.

In France, such protection is often included in Multi-Risks Housing Insurance Policies, and usually offered by most Compagnies. Clients may want to check with their Insurer prior to seeking legal remedies, so that they will be informed of this potential coverage.

The Mandatory Fee Agreement

Fees are always freely agreed upon beween our Firm and its Clients, prior to any legal work and mission of representation. Remuneration modalities (ie flat rate or hourly billing, plus actual expenses) are mutually defined on a case by case basis. They are subject to a prior written estimate, at the opening of the file.

Adequate work will be provided upon receiving clients' formal consent  along with the payment of an agreed retainer, both amounting to a confirmation of the power of attorney such granted to our Firm. According to the Law # 2015-990 of August 6 2015, a prior written Fee Agreement must be executed between Lawyers and Clients. As a principle, payment of currently released bills conditions the pursuing of the ongoing work.